Friday, October 14, 2011

J-E-T-S in T-R-O-U-B-L-E

REX: Who's laughing now?

Mt. Ryan can spin it all he wants. The Jets are gonna win the Super Bowl. The Jets are the best team ever assembled. The Jets all love each other. The Jets are going to solve the nation's economic woes. Since the media loves him so much, he must be right. Right?

Uh uh.

Seems there is dissent in the ranks of the Green Team. Not only are the Jets 2-3 and on a three-game losing streak, but one of their captains -- Santonio Holmes -- has been throwing more blame around than there are snacks in Ryan's desk drawer. Wait? Santonio Holmes is a Jets captain? Whose idea was that?

Holmes has blamed his quarterback, his offense line, his defense (except Revis, of course), the refs, and the guy who serves the hot dogs. One of them has finally fired back. No, not the hot dog guy. Offensive lineman Brandon Moore had this to say about Holmes: "I've never seen a captain do that. That's not leading. That's not being a leader. It actually fragments the locker room.''

When asked about dissension in his locker, Ryan responded by saying all is well. And then he made a joke about how offensive linemen have "armadillo skin."

Ryan has been in a huge state of denial these past few weeks. At least publicly. He keeps saying things like "We're fine." "We're playing well." "We can fix this." "We're still winning the Super Bowl by 100 points." If I was a Jets fan I'd be nervous. I would want to hear things like "We're playing like crap." (They are). "If we don't start winning games, we're screwed." (They will be). "I'm going to kick some ass till we get our act together." (He should). If I'm a Jets fan I'm hoping the big man is saying all that -- and more -- behind closed doors.

That's the trouble with a coach like Ryan and his comedy routine. It's must-see TV when things are going well. And things have sure gone well for the Jets since he brought his appetite to the Meadowlands. But when things turn sour -- as they always do in sports (see Red Sox, Sept. 2011) -- a coach who is all bravado suddenly looks a little foolish. And if he starts being critical of his team or if he shows some concern or doubt about the way his team is playing then it exposes his bravado as nothing more than that.

I expect the Jets to start winning some games, starting Monday night against Miami. I also expect them to make the playoffs where they will once again be a very tough team to beat.

But if they don't, the Foot Doctor is going to have his size twelves planted firmly in his size twenty mouth.

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