Saturday, July 31, 2010

Opening act

Terrell Owens signed with the Bengals a few days ago. I didn't give it much thought. T.O. is more show than anything these days. He won't make or break the Bengals. Well, he might indeed break them. The guy is a walking distraction. Just ask every QB he has ever played with. I preferred when he was with Dallas because it added to my dislike for the 'Boys. I have friends who are Cincy fans. I wouldn't wish that on them.

But then I remembered something. The Pats open the season at home against Cincy. The NFL just keeps giving and giving. The T.O. and Ocho show will add another level of entertainment to the week leading up to the opener.

That's what makes the NFL so fun. Ask me who plays outfield for the Seattle Mariners and I would probably give you names of players that haven't been a Mariner in years. Jay Buhner? No clue. But ask me who will be the running back for the Seattle Seahawks and I can tell you it will be Justin Forsett. Each game brings opponents with players you either admire (Drew Brees, Brian Dawkins) or despise (T.O., Shawn Merriman). It makes for great theater.

With Owens and his "Get your popcorn ready" nonsense, the home opener just became a little more interesting. Oh, and Pacman Jones is trying to make a comeback with Cincy. Does that franchise never learn?

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