Thursday, June 16, 2011

Oh, Lord!

THOMAS: Giving Tims a good name.

I was surprised at just how great it felt to watch the B's hoist Lord Stanley's Cup for the first time since I was 11 years old. As me, Rich, Paul, and Shanny got sprayed with beer by the delirious crowd at the Banshee, we must have looked much as we did back in the Bobby Orr days. Well, at least our smiles looked the same.

Four guys who grew up in the glory days of the Bruins -- when it really was a hockey town -- but who also endured too many men in the ice, Bucky Dent, Buckner, Desmond Howard, 1-15, 3-0, and decades of futility as a sports fan. The B's title -- as has been well documented here and much despised just about everywhere else -- gives Boston an unprecedented seventh championship since 2000. Three for the Pats. Two for the Sox. One for the Celts and now one for the Black and Gold.


As we walked to our cars at the end of the night we talked about just how ridiculously lucky we are as sports fans. Are we spoiled? Not our generation. Maybe if you are in your 20s and have grown up watching title after title you begin to think this is the way it's supposed to be. But not people who grew up in the 70s. We are still pleasantly surprised and delighted when one of our teams wins a title.

We may be getting old, but watching the teams we root for hoist a championship trophy never does.

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