Saturday, August 17, 2013

Great moments in Patriot history

I've been lucky enough to be in the stands for a lot of the great Patriots' moments over the last decade-plus.

The Snow Bowl. Bruschi's return. Both playoff wins in the snow vs. Manning. The raising of championship banners. Last night I added another to the list.

Tim Tebow's first game-action in a Pats' uniform at Gillette.

When #5 walked out on the field to start the second half, the crowd -- or at least the ones that were back in their seats and paying attention -- gave a cheer that was half mock/half what-the-heck. A whole half for Tebow? I guess we were witnessing Football Jesus's best shot to make the team.

Not too long after that Tebow was throwing a God-awful interception and me, Shep, my brother Jim. and nephew Steve were headed back to our cars.

Tebow's passing stats at the end of the game? 1-for-7 for -1 yard and a pick. That's a whole half of football and a -1 yard.

I guess I can add another one to the great-moments list. Tebow's only action as a Patriot at Gillette.

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