Thursday, October 21, 2010

A very Brady special

As I said when the NFL season started... this is the golden age of football.

If you are a fan in 2010 you can get as much football as you can stand. And then some. We can thank the invention of cable television for that. We can thank ESPN. And mostly we can thank the NFL Network. The league has never been more competitive and for those of us who love it we can basically spend 24/7 watching nothing but previews, games, highlights, specials, tributes, you name it. I hate to think what my days would look like if I hadn't gotten married. It wouldn't be pretty. Thanks, Dev.

On those nights when Dev is out doing her thing, I turn on Channel 265 (the Network) and catch "Total Access," "NFL GameDay" (with my man Prime), "America's Game," "Playbook," or any number of great programs. This year the Network has added another classic show -- "The Top 100: The NFL's Greatest Players."

TOP 100: Who you got?
Like everything the NFL Network (in collaboration with legendary NFL Films) touches, it is great sports entertainment. Once a week ten players are unveiled, profiled in interviews and highlights in the way that only the NFL does. Thursday at 9 p.m. has been must-see-TV since the show debuted in early September with pick #100 -- Joe Willie Namath. Perfect choice to start the list.

Each pick has either been a "I loved that guy!" player (#97, the late great Derrick Brooks; #85, Marcus Allen) or a history lesson into players I have only heard about (#83, Norm Van Brocklin; #64 Herb Adderley, just to name a few). There have been players I can't stand (#61, LaDainian Tomlinson) and players that I named my fantasy football team after (#65, Randy Moss). I've been enjoying every minute of it.

Until this week.

My tailgating friends and I have kicked around which Patriots would make the list. We knew the great Mike Haynes would be there even though he is best known for his years as a champion Raider. He was (#49). Some thought Rodney might make it. He hasn't. Some thought Willie McGinnest would be there since he holds the NFL record for most post-season sacks. OK, just I thought Willie would be there. He should be!

We all knew two Patriots who would be there. Hall of Famer John Hannah. And Tom Brady. The only real debate concerning them was which one would be in the Top 10? The greatest offensive guard to ever play the game or one of the three or four greatest quarterbacks. Some were sure Hog Hannah would make it near the top. My money was on the QB.

We were all wrong.

As this week's list of numbers 30-21 was unveiled there were some all-time greats. Jack Lambert, Emmitt Smith, Dan Marino. Then came #24. John Hog Hannah. Sports Illustrated named him the greatest offensive lineman ever to play the game many years ago. He hasn't lost that honor as far as I know. But he didn't make the Top 20. Even if you figure that the best player at each position (minus kickers, of course) should be ranked high that would mean Hannah would have to be in the Top 20. Anyone who saw him lead block on a sweep play would certainly agree. But if you check out the up-to-date list of the rankings at you will see, in the second column, that Hannah did not get any votes from fans when they were polled online. None. Zero. He did not rank in the Top 100 with fans. So much for my theory that most football fans are historians of the game.

OK. Hannah 24. I can accept that. That leaves Brady. Three Super Bowls. 50 touchdowns in one season (that's a record). A great leader. A model player (GQ covers aside). A fierce competitor. One of the all-time clutch QBs. His story isn't even finished yet. I figured it would be a few more weeks before #12 came on the screen. I was just finishing my beer as the profile of #22 Gayle Sayers wrapped up (yes, I was a little close to tears on that one). Up next, number 21.

Tom Brady.

Uh, excuse me?

BIG 3: Unitas, Montana, Brady.
Number 21. How is that possible? From what I've read there are 17 QBs in the ranking. Here are the ones unveiled before Brady... 100. Namath; 91. Fran Tarkenton; 90. Kurt Warner; 83. Van Brocklin; 82. Steve Young; 80. Troy Aikman; 51. Bart Starr; 50. Terry Bradshaw; 46. Roger Staubach; 33. Sid Luckman; 25. Marino; 23. John Elway. That's twelve. Brady makes thirteen. So, according to my math, that means there are four quarterbacks that are ahead of Brady. (I won't even get into the fact that Bradshaw and his four rings being ranked 50th is ridiculous).

Of course Joe Montana, the best QB ever, is ahead of Brady. I would put him at #1 overall. But if Elway isn't. And Marino isn't. And Bradshaw isn't. Who are the other three?

Manning (Peyton, not Eli) would have to be one of them. But he better be #20 because he and Brady are so close that they have to be side-by-side. If he's in the Top 10 and Brady isn't then people just haven't been paying attention. Johnny U would get the nod to represent the great QB not in the modern era. That leaves one signal caller on the list ahead of Brady. Who could that be? Oh no. Not him. You've got to be kidding.

Brett Favre. It has to be him. He of the most touchdowns in NFL history. But he also of the most interceptions, most fumbles, most stupid game-killing plays, and most unretirements in league history. He also of one -- one -- Super Bowl title. Brett Favre -- as great as he is and as much fun as he is to watch when he's not sending cellphone photos of his body parts to women -- should never be rated ahead of Tom Brady. Ever. Or Terry Bradshaw. Or Roger Staubach. Or Troy Aikman. But since his name hasn't surfaced yet, I guess it's safe to assume the icon of ESPN is ranked in the Top 20. Why am I surprised.

While I was still trying to digest Brady's ranking at 21, a familiar face came on the screen. New York Yankee Derek Jeter. Of the New York Yankees.

Did I mention that each player is profiled by another player or a celebrity or a coach or someone relevant to the guy being honored? Reggie Bush on LT. Aikman on Michael Irvin. Warner on Marshall Faulk.

So the video on Brady starts -- the video I'd been waiting weeks to watch. The video that came about two weeks too soon. And the guy the NFL picks to talk about the greatest New England Patriot is Derek Jeter? And he's wearing a Yankees cap?

OK, NFL. Are we even for Spygate yet?

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