Thursday, August 15, 2013

Ruh roh

The football talk on Sports Blab Radio during the preseason focuses on things like who will be the third wide receiver? How will the Pats use Tebow? Who will play next to Vince? And will Belichick ever really answer a question?

Some worthwhile issues. But they all pale compared to the issue in preseason that really matters. Whether you are defending champ or a team dreaming of going from worst-to-first, injuries -- or more accurately the avoiding of them -- are all the really matter.

Preseason rule #1 through #100, stay healthy.

So when the news flashed across smartphones and laptops that Tom Brady had gone down in practice holding his left knee (yes, that one) it suddenly didn't matter all that much who the third wideout will be. Fortunately Brady checked out fine and is expected to play against the Eagles in the second preseason game.

A fortunate break for the Pats. Brady could get hurt in the opener at Buffalo, but at least it would have happened with something at stake. Getting hurt in preseason -- especially preseason practice -- is just the worst kind of bad luck. The kind of bad luck that coaches hope to avoid. You can see them holding their breath on the sideline all preseason.

Preseason bad luck has already hit several teams this year. Baltimore will be without tight end Dennis Pitta for the season. The Bears lost defensive back Kelvin Hayden. The Browns have about 10 guys out of action and the Broncos are missing veterans Champ Bailey and Knowshon Moreno.

The Pats have looked pretty good in preseason action so far. If it's like most preseasons, there will be times when they look not-so-good. As long as they get out of the next few weeks mostly unscathed the preseason will be a success.

A team that has one star tight end in prison and the other nursing about 15 injuries doesn't need to lose any other key guys at this point.

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