Thursday, July 28, 2011

Phat Albert

So I guess we know now where the pass rush is going to come from.

The Patriots entered the player free-for-all today, reportedly trading a fifth-round pick to the Redskins for Albert Haynesworth. That's right, Albert Haynesworth.

Take a look at the video above. The Pats haven't had a D lineman who can bull-rush like that since... well, I can't remember anyone in a Patriots' uniform who could do that.

But Mr. Haynesworth comes with some baggage. A steamer trunk actually.

Here's a quote from Jim Haslett, Haynesworth's defensive coach in Washington last season: "Obviously, if the guy's not willing to do what you want them to do and you're the head coach, and the guy doesn't practice well on Thursday -- about as poor as I've ever seen -- and then Friday, a so-called illness that he doesn't practice. Then, if I'm the head coach on Saturday, getting ready for Sunday, you've got to make a decision: What's best for the football club?''

Not exactly a ringing endorsement.

And there's that little sexual assault court date he's facing in late August. But this is the NFL and that kind of thing happens. Who am I to judge?

As a football player, Haynesworth is a monster. When he's in the mood. If Belichick can get him in the mood then the 14-2 Patriots may have just lapped the field. If not... well they'll be no worse off than they were yesterday. And they were in fine shape yesterday.

The acquisition is being compared to when the team picked up disgruntled Cincy running back Corey Dillon before the 2004 season and the trade of Randy Moss before '07. Those two moves worked out pretty well. Awesomely in fact. And Haynesworth, at his best, is better than either Dillon or Moss. At a position that can be a game changer.

Once again the consensus was that the Pats would be pretty quiet during this frantic period of player moves. Once again the consensus was wrong. Once again the Patriots have stolen the spotlight from the rest of the NFL.

If Haynesworth can return to the level he showed in Tennessee, he along with Big Vince and a returning Ty Warren could form the best defensive front in the league for years. If not the best, then certainly the nastiest.

I'm sure Rex Ryan took note of that.

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