Thursday, December 15, 2011

Reading material

The firing squad for coaches usually begins lining up right after the New Year's Eve hangover begins to wear off. While the playoff teams start preparing for the tournament, the also-rans start "charting a new course," "heading in a new direction," "making a fresh start."

Seems they were anxious for a fresh start in Kansas City and Miami. The Chiefs axed head coach Todd Haley on Monday, followed a few hours later by the Dolphins saying see ya to Tony Sparano. (Not Soprano). It was pretty clear both coaches were not going to be around next season so I guess the teams decided why not beat the New Year's rush.

  • In KC, the focus is now squarely on GM Scott Pioli. The former Patriot exec came to the Chiefs with three Super Bowl rings and a promise to return KC to its glory days. Things looked promising with a surprising division win last season but it's been more gory than glory in 2011. Now Pioli is looking for a new coach. Word is he's leaning towards another former Pat,  Josh McDaniels. Good luck with that.
  • In Miami, the Phins looked like they might save their coach's job when they ran off four wins in five weeks but then they got pounded by Philly at home Sunday. Time to take Sparano for a ride. Sparano is a good guy and pretty good coach. But he had a lousy team. So he had to go. 
  • That's the way it goes with coaching. Not just in the NFL but in all sports. As they say, you can't fire the players. So the coach has to go. As your teenager might say ... life's not fair.

Haley's and Sparano's firing makes three for the season so far. Jacksonville axed long-time coach Jack Del Rio a few weeks ago. That will probably be it till the season ends. Who will be next? Norv? Yes. Has to be Norv's time.

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