Monday, October 1, 2012

Character study

There is one trait that the Patriots have consistently shown so far this season. Resiliency. In the NFL -- with its wild ups and downs from week to week and even quarter to quarter -- it is one of the best traits a team can have. It's one that Belichick's teams have had almost every year (except maybe 2009). Yesterday in Buffalo it was on full display.

The Patriots found themselves down 21-7 with eleven minutes to go in the third quarter. If it wasn't for rare fumbles by Gronk and Welker, two more missed field goals for Gosty, and one long play by the Bills the Patriots would have been ahead comfortably. They were outplaying the Bills but Buffalo had made almost all the big plays. Thus, 21-7.

Then Brady, Welker, Gronk, Lloyd, Vince, Spikes -- and more importantly the banged up offensive line and running backs Ridley and Brandon Bolden -- decided enough was enough. Just about the time my nephew and I were texting each other "enough of this crap," the Patriots were embarking on a five touchdown spree that turned around the game and -- to steal a little hyperbole from the Blabosphere -- maybe even the season. Because 1-3 is 1-3 no matter how you slice it.

Suddenly Gronk looked like Gronk again. Brady was running in for a touchdown. Yes, Brady. Welker and Lloyd were catching everything that came their way. And Ridley and Bolden were combining for 243 yards and three touchdowns. The defense gave up too many yards again, but time after time in the second half they came up with the big hit or the big turnover. The biggest hit and the biggest turnover came courtesy of Big Vince, the team's emotional leader. With two minutes to play in the half and the Bills up 14-7, Welker fumbled at his own 20 setting the Bills up for a chance to deliver a crushing blow. It was the Pats D that delivered the blow.

Buffalo's C.J. Spiller slammed into the Pats D at the goal line and was slammed back by Brandon Spikes and the ball popped out and into Big Vince's hands. It was the second of six huge turnovers that helped keep the Pats in the game and then helped them put the game away.

As good as the Patriots were on offense, the defense was just as big despite giving up four touchdowns and a lot of yards. Like many games last year, a lot of those yards came after the game was well over.

Like every team in the NFL the Pats still have a lot of questions to answer moving forward. Do they have the depth to continue to overcome injuries? Can they be consistent in the running game? Can they ever get a pass rush? And can the secondary stop giving up big plays and taking bad penalties?

Peyton Manning returns to Gillette Sunday, this time with a horse on his helmet instead of a horseshoe. The Broncos will be another tough test for the Pats. It's likely to be a very close game. That would give the Pats a chance to answer maybe the biggest question still in need of an answer ... can they win a close game?

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