Saturday, January 15, 2011

What a difference a year makes

It feels different this time.

Last year as I was getting ready for the home playoff game against Baltimore there were a lot of doubts about the Pats. The team had failed time after time to make big plays in the big games during the season. There were leads blown late. Mistakes made. Tackles missed. Confidence lost.

BRADY & BILL: Redemption.
Sitting in the parking lot before the game we all asked the same things. Can the Pats play a complete 60-minute game? Can they overcome injuries? Can their coaching staff bring forth a game plan that throws the other team off balance? Can their best players (mostly Brady) step it up when it really counted? As the Ravens pounded the Pats all over the field the answers became clear. No. No. No. And no.

This year those same questions have already been answered. Often with a convincing yes. Big wins against the Colts, Steelers, Ravens, Packers, Jets, Chargers, and so on have shown that -- unlike last year -- the Patriots can make plays when it counts. They have played smart, focused, and aggressive all year. They will have to keep doing just that Sunday.

I have been wavering between quiet confidence and deep dread about this game. Losing to the Jets would be a very disheartening ending to this very entertaining season. The Jets are a good team. And a very good road team. They can create havoc on defense and can make big plays on offense. And, as was obvious from the constant din coming from their locker room all week, they are cocky. There has been very little actual football talk this week. The little I did hear had very astute analysis such as "The Jets need to put pressure on Brady and force him to make mistakes." No kidding. Sometimes it's amazing that writers don't hit the delete key when they reread their stories.

No matter how you analyze the game, the key will be ball protection. And I don't mean athletic supporters. I mean turnovers. Watch today's playoff games. The teams are pretty even. The difference will be who takes care of the ball and who doesn't. That's always the key. And it has been the key of keys for the Pats' 14-2 regular season. They have had a record low give-aways while making some big take-aways. You can break down the line-ups and the match-ups all you want. Just protect the ball.

The Jets' trash-talking may be getting Pats' fans even more fired up for the game but I don't think the Pats' players -- at least those who were on the team last year -- are even listening. The talk of the border war. Boston vs. New York. Ryan vs. Belichick. Toegate vs. Spygate. Baby Daddy Cromartie vs. Big Daddy Brady. All that pales to what really will be motivating the Patriots. Redemption. Erasing the memory of last year. That game has to still linger with Brady and Belichick as it does with me. They have been motivated for this game since that cold January day. No talking. Quiet determination.

The talk is over. Now it's time for the game. Finally. The chili is simmering. The wings are marinating. The beer is chilling. Although from the sound of the forecast, warm beer won't be a problem. More playoff football at Gillette. Thank you, Mr. Kraft. Hopefully you're not going to raise the parking fee.

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